Student Blogs

New York Detour

May 20th, 2016 vmoret18

Alarm rings at 6 am and I am up and getting ready for my trip abroad! My mother and I have agreed to leave by 6:50 am so that I can get dropped off, but not at the airport, instead South Station in Boston! So originally I was born and raised in Boston, but some how my flight leaves from the JFK airport in New York – and no – I am not traveling with the school group. While scary at first it was super exciting the ride to New York because my current Holy Cross roommate, Leyda and I traveled together!

visaury - 3

(Left-Right) Leyda, Mercedes (Leyda’s mom), Altagracia (My mom), Me Saying “see you later” at South Station Bus Terminal.

To think that we boarded the bus at 9 am and our flight does not depart from JFK until 8:55 pm was mind blowing! The majority of the ride we slept, but once we stepped foot in New York it was the beginning of our great adventures. We dragged around five luggage and two backpacks for a combined weight of almost 200 lbs. of clothes and items!

Three large (50 lbs.) luggage, two carry-ons and our backpacks in Manhattan, New York.

Three large (50 lbs.) luggage, two carry-ons and our backpacks in Manhattan, New York.

So, funny story- after asking for directions to the airport from Penn Station, Leyda and I had the challenge to drag and board the blue train with five luggage without leaving anything behind! Challenge accepted – a minute before the train is about to arrive we set our luggage in front of us with the game plan of throwing them in and hoping on the train before the doors closed – well that was easier said then done! The train arrives and we beginning placing our luggage inside the train – while I am inside Leyda is out with the last carry-on and – bam- the doors start to shut and Leyda’s hand is caught. Instantly, I grab the door and shove it in the opposite direction in order to let Leyda in! After an insane amount of laughter we realize how dangerous that was and how we now faced the new challenge of getting out of the train in one piece with five luggage. A gallon of sweat later we made it alive!

Our detour to New York consisted of many silly moments and sweat, but it was totally worth it! From dragging the luggage through New York’s sidewalks, to running for the train and caring our luggage up and down the stairs in the train station to having Leyda get caught in the train doors – the detour was completely worth it. The purpose of the detour to New York was to save money on our flight and boy was it fun! Leyda and I enjoyed every second of the beginning to our adventures, as we will be traveling together to Argentina as well. Keep posted for many more stories and thanks for reading!

(Left-Right) Visaury (me), Leyda. Picture before boarding our flight to Florence, Italy with a layover in Madrid from JFK, New York airport.

(Left-Right) Visaury (me), Leyda. Picture before boarding our flight to Florence, Italy with a layover in Madrid from JFK, New York airport.

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